This is a first course in Statistics for students who are highly trained in their own fields and are studying Public Health. As such the course will be based on the maturity and ethics of the students.
We will begin with reading, somewhat superficially but critically, two up-to-date papers from NEJM
Then we will study ways of describing data, for one's own understanding and for presentation in publications, whether oral or printed.
Then we will move to methods of data analysis for inference, that is to understand and demonstrate relationships.
We will conclude with a short introduction to survival analysis.
This will be an intensive course, with a lot of work. Exercises should be submitted promptly. For those in need of assistance, one may contact the course instructor or the TA, Mr. Guy Mizrachi
We will begin with reading, somewhat superficially but critically, two up-to-date papers from NEJM
Then we will study ways of describing data, for one's own understanding and for presentation in publications, whether oral or printed.
Then we will move to methods of data analysis for inference, that is to understand and demonstrate relationships.
We will conclude with a short introduction to survival analysis.
This will be an intensive course, with a lot of work. Exercises should be submitted promptly. For those in need of assistance, one may contact the course instructor or the TA, Mr. Guy Mizrachi