Submitting grades to GR from Moodle

Grades can be submitted to the faculty GR grading system either from the Moodle Gradebook or from CourseAdmin.
For instructions on submitting from CourseAdmin, see Submitting grades to GR from CourseAdmin.
Following are instructions for submitting from the Moodle Gradebook.

In brief:

In the Moodle Gradebook, create a new Grade item (or use an existing one), enter the grades, and Export to GR

In detail:

Open the Gradebook by clicking on Gradebook setup (under Course Administration in the Administration block).
    • Either import the grades into the Gradebook as described in How do I import grades? in the Gradebook Miniguide,
      • Create a Grade item (if necessary):
        • Click on Add at the top of the page and select Add grade item
        • Enter a value into field Item name and click on the Save button
      • Enter the grades:
        • Either:
          • Click on item Grader report in the Grade administration block (or in the menu at top)
          • Click on button Turn editing on
          • Enter the grades in the appropriate column
          • Click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the page
        • Or:
          • Click on item Single view in the Grade administration block (or in the menu at top)
          • Ensure that Grade items is selected from the Users | Grade items toggle at top.
          • Select the item from the Select a grade item dropdown menu
          • Click on Turn editing on at top
          • Enter grades in column Grade
          • Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page
  1. Submit the grades to GR:
    • In the Grade administration block, click on item Export and on item GR.
      (If you did not authenticate using OTP, you will be asked to authenticate using OTP.)
    • Select the item from the Submit grade item menu
    • Select appropriate values from the other menus.
      (The menus are tailored to the course and depend on whether there is an exam, whether it runs more than once a year, and whether it has sister courses.)
    • Click on Submit to GR
    • Review the grades and, if you are sure you wish to submit, click on button Yes. Submit to GR now

  • Only Exam and Final grades can be submitted to GR.
  • Only grades of students registered through Minhal Talmidim are submitted to GR.
    (Students who are not registered through Minhal Talmidim are marked with an asterisk on most pages of the Gradebook)
  • Missing grades and grades of zero are not submitted. (It is possible to submit a grade of zero through CourseAdmin.)
  • Grades can be changed and resubmitted at any time. However, a grade cannot be retracted.
  • Grades should be out of 100. However, if the grade item is of type Scale, and the scale has just two components, (e.g. the standard Pass/Fail scale), the components will be considered as Fail and Pass (in that order).