Submission through Moodle

In the Moodle Assignment settings page:
  • In section General, set the CourseAdmin assignment name
  • In section Submissions type, check field Only a Bodek archive file. (Click on its help help icon for more help.)
  • A Student can submit more than once (unless field Require students click submit button is set to Yes).
    Set field Maximum Bodek submissions to limit the number of times a Student can submit.
The file submitted by the Student must be a jar, zip or tar archive file.
It can be compressed with bzip2 or gzip (i.e. extension tgz is allowed).
It is stored as ~/course-admin/submissions/<assignment>/<login> where assignment is the CourseAdmin assignment name and login is the Student's username.
The PDF file generated by Bodek is stored as ~course/course-admin/bodek/assignments/<assignment>/presubmission/pdf/<login>.pdf.
(The directory is created automatically when the first student submits. It should not be created manually.)
It is available in Moodle (to both Student and Teachers), alongside the submitted file, as submission.pdf.