29 רשומות

How do I ensure that English displays correctly when viewed in Hebrew mode? (and vice versa)

In the Atto HTML editor, in order to ensure that English text is displayed correctly when later viewed in Hebrew mode, before beginning a new paragraph:
  • Click on the Right align  ed_align_right.gif icon (if in English mode)
  • Click on the Left align  ed_align_left.gif icon
  • Click on the Left to right  ed_left_to_right.gif icon
Similarly to ensure that Hebrew text is displayed correctly when later viewed in English mode, before beginning a new paragraph:
  • Click on the Left align  ed_align_left.gif icon (if in Hebrew mode)
  • Click on the Right align  ed_align_right.gif icon
  • Click on the Right to left  ed_right_to_left.gif icon
Note: This is automatically done for forum posts. (Feature unique to HUJI Moodle)