
1. What are Ganged questions and Chained questions?
2. How do Ganged questions work?
3. How do Chained questions work?
4. How can I duplicate a Quiz, including all its questions?

Under construction...
See also the EXAM Moodle miniguide and Quiz cookbook

What are Ganged questions and Chained questions?
Ganged questions and Chained questions are experimental features of HUJI moodle.
They are intended as alternatives to the Embedded answers (Cloze) and Combined question types because of the many limitations of those question types.
A gang of questions, or a chain of questions, is an ordered list of questions. The questions can be of any type.
Gangs are used if the list is to be chosen at random from several available lists. Even if the quiz is shuffled, the questions remain together and in order.
Chains are a simpler than gangs. Like gangs, they are ordered lists of questions. However, the questions are not normally random i.e the same list of questions is used in all attempts. They are useful only when the quiz is shuffled.

How do Ganged questions work?
When generating a quiz attempt, Moodle in effect chooses a list of questions, aka a gang, at random from all available gangs.

It works as follows:
Both a category and a question can have a gangname. (There is no relationship between the gangname of a category and the gangname of a question).
A gang consists of a fixed number of questions, say N.
N categories are created (aka a gang of categories).
The categories are all given the same gangname.
(Each gang of categories must have a different gangname.)
For each gang, one question is created in each of the categories:
first question in first category, second question in second category, etc.
The questions in the gang are all given the same gangname (unrelated to the gangname of the category).
(Each gang in the gang of categories must have a different gangname.)

A random gang can be added to a quiz is as follows:
Add a random question from the first category in a gang of categories,
add a random question from the second category in the same gang of categories, etc.

Currently Moodle does not do any sanity checking on gangs.
It is the teacher's responsibility to set up the questions, categories and quiz correctly.
URL https://moodle2.cs.huji.ac.il/hu23/sbin/gangs.php?id=<id> (where <id> is the course id) lists the ganged questions in the course category.

Note: It can occasionally be useful to give a gangname to categories and:
  • Not to give a gangname to questions (to ensure that a group of random questions is not shuffled), or
  • To give more than one question the same gangname (to ensure that a group of random questions are related and not shuffled).

How do Chained questions work?
When generating a quiz attempt with shuffled questions, Moodle ensures that any chain of questions is kept together and in order.
A chain can be created as follows:
In the Edit quiz page:
  • Click on Select multiple items
  • Check the second and subsequent questions in each chain.
  • Click on Chain selected
  • Chained questions will be marked with a mahara_host
Tip: Chain the first question (or group of questions) to ensure that it stays in place.
Note: It can occasionally be useful for the first question in the chain to be random and subsequent questions to refer to the first question in non-specific way e.g. a justification of one's answer

How can I duplicate a Quiz, including all its questions?
Duplicating a quiz does not normally duplicate the questions.
The new quiz will use the same questions as the original quiz and changing a question in the new quiz will change it also in the original quiz.
(Removing a question from the new quiz or adding a new question to it will not affect the original quiz).

If you want to duplicate also the questions, then before duplicating the quiz you must ensure that all the questions are in the quiz's question category.
To move the questions to the quiz's question category, do as follows:
  • Find the questions in the course Question bank and select them
  • In the menu to the right of the Move to>> button, select the quiz's question category
  • Click on the Move to>> button

    Note: If questions belong to different categories, then subcategories must first be created in the quiz's question bank and the questions moved to the appropriate subcategory.
The quiz is now ready to be duplicated.
Note: In EXAM Moodle, only Coordinators have the option to duplicate a quiz

An alternative method of duplicating questions is by exporting and importing back:
  • In the course Question bank:
  • Go to Export and select format Moodle XML format.
    Select a category and click on Export
  • Create a new question category
  • Go to Import and select format Moodle XML format.
    In section General, select the new category and disable Get category from file.
    Choose the downloaded file and click on Import