1. Where have all My courses gone?
2. Where has the block gone?
3. Why is the block empty?
4. Why can't Students access the course?
5. Why does Moodle want me to enrol?
6. How can I change my name and/or email address?
7. How do I authenticate?
8. What Moodles are there at HUJI?
9. Why has Moodle changed color?
10. I have a problem. Who should I contact?

Where have all My courses gone?
- You have docked or hidden the Navigation block. See questions Where has the block gone? and Why is the block empty?
- There is a problem in the Shnaton (Teachers) or with Minhal Talmidim (Students). See Why does Moodle want me to enrol?
- You are in the wrong Moodle - perhaps in last year's Moodle or in Muddle. See Why has Moodle changed color?

Where has the block gone?
Have you docked the block?
If there is a vertical dashed line on the left of the window, with the name of the block written vertically upwards, you have docked it.
Click on the docked block to open it.
Click on dock_to_block, at the top of the block, to undock it.

Why is the block empty?
Have you hidden the block?
Click on switch_plus, at the top of the block, to unhide it.

Why can't Students access the course?
It hasn't yet been made available.
See question How do I make my course available? in the Access miniguide.

Why does Moodle want me to enrol?
Moodle doesn't know that you are a Teacher or Student in the course.
Teachers and TAs listed in the Shnaton, and Students registered through Minhal Talmidim, are automatically enrolled in Moodle.
Most courses allow a user to enrol himself as a Student during the first four weeks of the semester. See Access miniguide.
A Teacher or TA can be enrolled by an existing Teacher or TA, or by a Coordinator. See FAQ question How do I assign a role?.
Occasionally, for technical reasons or due to error, Teachers and TAs are dropped from the Shnaton and Students from Minhal Talmidim.
Note: There can be a delay of a day or two before Moodle is updated from the Shnaton and Minhal Talmidim.

How can I change my name and/or email address?
Hebrew and English names, and email addresses, are taken from Maarachot Meida.
A name or email can (and must) be changed in Moodle only if it is missing from Maarachot Meida.
(The email is the one listed by Maarachot Meida as the primary address.)
Students can change their English name in their Meida Ishi and their Hebrew name through Minhal Talimidim.
Teachers can change their name through Koach Adam.
Moodle will be updated automatically within a day or two.
(If you are both a Teacher and a Student, your name may be taken either from Koach Adam or from Minhal Talmidim.)
If absolutely necessary, one can request Rama Friedlander to change one's email in Moodle.

How do I authenticate?
Authentication is with 8-digit ID and Kod Ishi.
A Student whose ID has changed can authenticate with either his old ID and Kod Ishi or his new ID and Kod Ishi.
However, he should take care not to authenticate with his new ID before Moodle is aware of the change.
If he does, he will have two distinct Moodle accounts. Only his new account will be auto-enrolled. His work and grades will remain in his old account.
A Teacher must authenticate with the ID listed in the Shnaton, or any of its alternative IDs in Maarachot Meida.
CSE users can authenticate also with CSE credentials (username and password or OTP).
They must authenticate with CSE credentials to access CSE courses.

What Moodles are there at HUJI?
There is HUJI Moodle1, HUJI Moodle2, Muddle1 and Muddle2, EXAM Moodle, and CSE Moodle.
Each year, there is a separate instance of each. (CSE Moodle, HUJI Moodle1 and Muddle2 were discontinued in 2015/16.)
HUJI Moodle serves courses listed in the Shnaton (Courses) and related discussion (Discussion rooms).
CSE Moodle served CSE course
EXAM Moodle is the Faculty of Natural Sciences on-line exam system.
Muddle is for anything not originating in the Shnaton.
Up to 2014/15, students were redirected to HUJI Moodle1, HUJI Moodle2 or CSE Moodle, depending on where the course was active.
In 2015/16, all users are redirected to HUJI Moodle2 (from both HUJI Moodle1 and CSE Moodle) for almost all courses.

Why has Moodle changed color?
Each year, on the day after Rosh HaShana, URL http://moodle.huji.ac.il is changed to point to the new Moodle for the forthcoming academic year.
So as to help avoid confusion and mistakes, each year's Moodles have a different background color.
The different Moodles (Moodle1, Moodle2, Muddle1, Muddle2, EXAM Moodle and CSE Moodle) are distinguished by the wording in the banner at the top of every page.

I have a problem. Who should I contact?
Students should contact one of the course Teachers listed in the course's Office hours block.
Teachers can contact the Moodle coordinator of the faculty. See Contact us on frontpage of Moodle.