Chapter 1: Vectors in Rn, Cn, Spatial vectors (Schaum chapter 1)- before the semester begins
Chapter 2: Algebra of Matrices (Schaum chapter 2)- 1 week
Chapter 3: Systems of Linear Equations (Schaum chapter 3)- 1 week
Intermediate reading (No bullshit guide to Linear Algebra - chapters 4-6)- 1 week
Chapter 4: Vector Spaces (Schaum chapter 4)- 1 week
Chapter 5: Linear Mappings (Schaum chapter 5)- 1 week
Chapter 6: Linear Mappings and Matrices (Schaum chapter 6)- 1 week
Chapter 7: Inner Product Spaces, Orthogonality (Schaum chapter 7)- 1 week
Chapter 8: Determinants (Schaum chapter 8)- 1 week
Chapter 9: Diagonalization: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (Schaum chapter 9)- 1 week
Chapter 10: Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices, Quadratic Forms - 1 week
Chapter 11: Matrix decomposition and Least Squares Approximate Solutions- 1 week