Helpful NBGLA chapters
Completion requirements
- 2.3 Matrix operations: pg. 125-130 (without the discussion)
- 3.2 Matrix equations: pg. 157-160
- 3.3 Matrix multiplication: pg. 161-162
- 3.5 Matrix inverse: pg. 176 – Adjugate matrix approach (only the 2x2 case)
- 6.2 Special types of matrices: pg. 292-296 – diagonal, symmetric, triangular, identity, orthogonal, normal matrices
- 6.7 Linear algebra with complex numbers: pg. 320 – Complex matrices
- 6.7 Linear algebra with complex numbers: pg. 320 – Hermitian transpose
- 6.7 Linear algebra with complex numbers: pg. 325-326 – Special types of matrices
- 6.7 linear algebra with complex numbers: pg. 331 – Explanations – Properties of the Hermitian transpose operation
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 10:40