Resources |
Course General Information |
General information about the course and its assignments. |
Book chapter about probability (in Hebrew) - Gal Chechnik et al |
Amir's old notes on Bayesian Networks |
Amir's old notes on Markov Networks |
Final exams from previous years |
0. Probability and Graph Theory Background |
Recitation 0 - Probability and Graph Theory Background |
Problem Set 0 - Probability |
1. Graphical Models Representation |
Gal's Notes on Bayesian Networks |
Recitation 1 - Bayesian Networks |
Problem Set 1 - Bayesian Networks |
Problem Set 1 - Programming Assignment |
Problem Set 1 - Partial Solution |
Gal's short note on BN equivalence classes |
Gal's notes on Markov Networks |
Recitation 2 - Markov Networks |
Gal's notes on Markov Networks II |
Recitation 3 - BN and MN |
Problem Set 2 - MNs and BNs (v2) |
Problem Set 2 - Partial Solution |
2. Exact and Approximate Inference |
Gal's Notes on Exact Inference |
Recitation 4 - MAP and Loopy BP |
Factor product in python |
A python example explaining factor product. Disclaimer: there could be other implementations...
Gal's notes on sampling |
Gal's notes on Gibb's (didn't cover last page) |
Recitation 5 - Sampling-based Inference |
Recitation 6 - Amir's Notes on Mean Field |
Note that in Eq. 11-16 q_j(x_k) should be corrected to q_j(x_j). Also, please make sure you are familiar with Lagrange Multipliers. |
Gal's notes on Metropolis Hastings |
Problem Set 3 - Partial Solution |
3. Parameter and Structure Learning |
Gal's notes on parameter learning |
Gal's notes on structure learning |
Recitation 7 - Structure Learning and TAN |
Gal's notes on EM |
Recitation 8 - Hidden Markov Model (old notes) |
Recitation 8 - Hidden Markov Model - (Eitan's scanned notes) |
Recitation 11 - Eitan's scanned notes |
4. Reinforcement Learning |
Gal's notes on reinforcement learning (RL) |
Intro to RL book by Sutton and Barto |
Gal's forgotten page on Policy Improvement |
Gal's notes on RL part 2 |
Problem Set 6 - Partial Solution |